Januarys hoop moves!

So after a break over Christmas I am back to aerial hoop and boy do my muscles hurt! You really don’t realise how much you use your Muscles each week until you miss a few and feel like you have used muscles you didn’t even know existed.

My first week back at hoop I practiced my straddle dismount and I learnt how to do a straddle mount! I also learnt side star and candle stick and feel like I am adding to my repertoire!

In my second week back I found out we were focusing on conditioning, I managed to do a top bar toe tap mount and from there a scarab pose, I wanted to do more but I was lacking energy and decided to listen to my body.

I didn’t end up doing as much hoop as I would have liked to this month as I travelled home and then had to focus on my assignment.

The little hoop that I did do I feel I made good progress and I am looking forwards to doing more hoop this month and learning new moves.

Thanks for reading!


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